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First Thing First: Declutter

"If it costs you your Peace, it is too expensive"

-Paulo Coelho


"I used to mistakenly equate cleaning vs organizing my home. However, I soon realized that merely tidying up fails to address the underlying clutter. Consequently, I find myself still struggling to locate items amidst the chaos, leading to continued stress and frustration."

                                                        -AuntieKat, Updated on Mar 01, 2024

#Basic Strategies and "Rough Sort" Technique

Professional Organizer AuntieKat Logo


A lot of people may find themselves overwhelmed, and unsure of where to begin, leading to increased stress. Conversely, some enjoy organizing but often get bogged down in the details, never quite reaching their goals. Today, let me emphasize a crucial starting point for both scenarios: decluttering. It's not merely about planning; it's about taking proactive steps to clear the way for a more organized and manageable space.


Before diving into your task, it's crucial to choose a particular area to concentrate on, whether it's a closet, kitchen, garage, pantry, storage room, or any other space you decide upon.


Basic strategies and ideas for decluttering:


Determining what stays and what goes when organizing a home can be a challenging but essential part of the process. 


1. Usefulness and Frequency


Consider how often you use each item and how essential it is to your daily life. Items that are used regularly or serve a specific purpose should be prioritized for keeping.


2. Sentimental Value


Some items may hold sentimental value, such as family heirlooms or gifts from loved ones. While it's important to respect sentimental attachments, try to limit the number of sentimental items to those that truly hold significant meaning for you.


3. Space and Storage


Evaluate whether you have adequate space to store each item. If an item takes up valuable space but is rarely used or doesn't serve a practical purpose, consider letting it go.


4. Condition


Assess the condition of each item. Items that are broken, damaged, or no longer functional may need to be discarded or repaired if they hold significant value or importance.


5. Multiples and Duplicates


Identify any duplicates or multiples of items you own. Keep only what you need and use regularly, and consider donating or selling the extras.


6. Future Use


Consider whether you foresee yourself using each item in the future. If you haven't used it in a while and can't envision a scenario where you would need it, it may be time to part ways.


7. Clutter Test


If you're undecided about whether to keep an item, ask yourself if it contributes to a clutter-free and organized home. If not, it may be better to let it go.


8. Embrace Minimalism


Adopting a minimalist mindset can help you prioritize what truly matters and let go of excess belongings that only serve to clutter your space.


9. Set Limits


Establish specific criteria or limits for the number of items you're willing to keep in each category. This can help prevent unnecessary accumulation and promote mindful consumption.


10. Consult Others


If you're struggling to make decisions, consider seeking input from a trusted friend or family member who can provide an objective perspective on your belongings.



"Rough Sort​Technique


"Rough sort" is a term used in the organization to describe the initial phase of decluttering and sorting items. During a rough sort, you go through your belongings quickly, making broad decisions about what to keep, donate, discard, or relocate to another area of the home. The goal of a rough sort is to quickly reduce clutter and create a clearer space to work with during the more detailed organizing process.


 During a "rough sort," you make rapid decisions about each item's fate: whether it belongs in the "purge pile" (items you can readily let go of without hesitation), or the "relocate pile" (items you wish to keep but don't align with the current space's purpose and thus need to find a new home elsewhere).


Here's how a rough sort typically works:


1. Gather Supplies: Collect boxes, bags, or bins for sorting items into categories such as Keep, Donate, Discard, and Relocate.


2. Quick Decisions: Go through each area of your home, such as closets, drawers, cabinets, and shelves, and quickly assess each item. Make rapid decisions about whether to keep, donate, discard, or relocate the item. Try not to spend too much time deliberating on each item during this phase.


3. Sort into Categories: Place items into the appropriate categories as you go. Items you plan to keep should be set aside in a designated area. Items to donate can be placed in a donation box or bag. Items to discard can be placed in a trash bag or bin. Items to relocate should be grouped for later placement in their proper homes.


4. Focus on Quantity: During the rough sort, the focus is on quantity rather than quality. The goal is to quickly reduce the volume of belongings in each area of your home.


5. Speedy Process: Aim to complete the rough sort as efficiently as possible. Depending on the size of your home and the amount of clutter, you may be able to complete a rough sort in a single session or over the course of several shorter sessions.


​Decluttering with a professional organizer

Role and responsibility

"Facilitating Decluttering and Organization: Providing comprehensive support to clients in decluttering and organizing their spaces, employing a range of effective strategies and tools to enhance functionality and streamline efficiency."

Strategies and Tips

A guideline is often used to help individuals determine whether they should keep or let go of certain items. The rule suggests that if you haven't used or worn an item in the past year, it might be time to consider parting with it. This guideline helps people assess the usefulness and relevance of their possessions, making it easier to declutter and streamline their belongings. However, it's important to consider exceptions to this rule, such as seasonal items or sentimental belongings, which may hold value beyond their immediate practical use.

"One In, Two Out"

A strategy where for every new item brought into your home or space, two existing items are removed. This rule helps prevent unnecessary accumulation of belongings and encourages individuals to be more mindful of their consumption habits. By following this guideline, you ensure that your possessions remain manageable and that you're continuously evaluating the necessity and usefulness of items in your home.

Duplicated Items

"You might have twice as many items as you need. Take stock of your duplicates. If you find yourself owning enough spatulas and coffee mugs to stock a small diner, it's probably time to part ways with a few."

Minimizing In The 4 Boxes

Tossing, Recycling, Trash, Discarding

Garbage Recycling

Letting go of unnecessary belongings to create space and clarity in your home. It's about freeing yourself from the burden of excess and embracing a simpler, more intentional lifestyle. By discarding items that no longer serve a purpose or bring you joy, you can cultivate a living environment that is organized, peaceful, and conducive to your well-being. Tossing out clutter isn't just about tidying up—it's about making room for the things that truly matter and reclaiming control over your space and your life.

Donating or Selling

Neat Storage Boxes

This process can be a transformative act of generosity and resourcefulness. Rather than letting unused belongings gather dust, donating allows them to find new life in the hands of someone who truly needs them. Whether it's clothing, furniture, or household goods, donating can make a positive impact on individuals and communities in need. Alternatively, selling items can provide extra income while decluttering your space, offering a win-win solution. By parting with possessions you no longer use, you not only clear physical space but also contribute to a more sustainable and compassionate world.

Store Away

Tidying Storage

Storing away items during decluttering involves carefully organizing and stowing possessions that are not frequently used but still hold value or significance. Whether it's seasonal decorations, sentimental keepsakes, or occasional-use items, storing them away allows you to maintain a clutter-free living space while preserving cherished belongings. Utilizing designated storage areas such as closets, attics, or storage containers helps keep these items out of sight but readily accessible when needed. By thoughtfully storing away possessions, you can optimize your living space for functionality and create a serene and balanced environment in your home.

Relocating Items (Put Away)

Desk with Book

to their proper place during decluttering is a vital step towards restoring order and efficiency in your living space. Whether it's returning misplaced belongings to their designated storage areas or organizing items according to their use, proper relocation ensures that everything has its rightful home. By taking the time to tidy up and restore order, you can eliminate clutter and create a more harmonious environment. Relocating items to their appropriate places not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your home but also makes it easier to find what you need when you need it. Embracing this practice as part of your decluttering routine can lead to a more organized and stress-free living experience.

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