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Organizing The Closet

"Do the thing and you will have the power."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

"An organized closet is like a daily dose of happiness! It upgrades your fashion sense, saves precious time and money, and adds functionality while reflecting your unique style. Best of all, it brings endless joy each day with its tidy and personalized setup!"

-By AuntieKat, updated on Mar 7th, 2024


You will find in this article:


#Create Zones

#Organie Tips

#An illustration from a professional organizer

Ironed Blue Shirts


Before diving into the project, gather boxes, bags, or bins to help sort items into categories such as Keep, Donate, Discard, and Relocate.

Related Article:#Declutter Step By Step

Step-by-Step Guide

Ready to tackle that clutter and bring some sunshine into your space? Start by organizing just one closet at a time! It's like unwrapping a present full of possibilities.


With each step, you're not just tidying up; you're creating a little haven of happiness! So grab your favorite tunes, and a sprinkle of positivity, and let's dive in together. Before you know it, you'll be dancing with joy in your beautifully organized space.


Remember, organization is a fun project, so don't burn yourself out. By breaking it down into smaller tasks, you'll achieve big success in no time! Keep that happy momentum going!


And don't forget to reward yourself for each milestone you reach along the way—it's all part of the celebration!






















Step I: Declutter


Begin by taking everything out of the closet and sorting items into categories such as keep, donate, or discard.

This process allows you to evaluate each item and decide whether it's worth keeping based on factors like usefulness, fit, and sentimentality. 


How to decide what to keep while decluttering the closet


1. Consider Frequency of Use


Ask yourself how often you wear or use each item. If you haven't worn something in over a year, it might be time to let it go.


2. Assess Fit and Comfort


Ensure that the items you keep still fit well and are comfortable to wear. If something no longer fits or feels uncomfortable, it's probably time to part with it.


3. Evaluate Condition


Check the condition of each item. If something is damaged, stained, or worn out beyond repair, it's best to discard it.


4. Assess Style and Taste


Consider whether each item reflects your current style and tastes. If something no longer aligns with your style, it may be time to part with it, even if it's still in good condition.


5. Project Future Use


Think about whether you realistically see yourself wearing or using each item in the future. If you're keeping something "just in case" or for a hypothetical future occasion, consider whether it's worth taking up space in your closet.


6. Keep Versatile Pieces


Prioritize versatile pieces that can be mixed and matched with other items in your wardrobe to create multiple outfits.


7. Set Limits


If you're struggling to decide what to keep, set limits for yourself. For example, you could decide to keep only a certain number of items in each category or limit yourself to a certain amount of space in your closet.


8. Consider Sentimental Value


While it's important not to hold onto items solely for sentimental reasons, it's okay to keep a few special pieces that hold significant memories or sentimental value for you.


9. Be Honest with Yourself


Be honest about your lifestyle and habits. If you rarely wear formal clothes because you work from home, it might not make sense to keep a large collection of formal attire.


10. Enlist a Second Opinion


If you're struggling to make decisions, consider asking a friend or family member for their input. Sometimes an outside perspective can help determine what to keep and what to let go of.


Remember, the goal of decluttering is to create a closet filled with items that you love and use regularly. Don't be afraid to let go of things that no longer serve you, and embrace the opportunity to create a more intentional and organized wardrobe.

Step II: Sort

Common Categories for Him and Her

Clothes hanging on a rack
Hers To Hang
  • Tops (shirts, blouses, sweaters)

  • Bottoms (pants, skirts)

  • Dresses (formal, casual)

  • Jackets and coats

  • Suits (if applicable)

  • Active wear (gym clothes, sports jerseys)

  • Wrinkle-prone Fabrics

  • Special occasion wear (wedding attire, costumes)

  • Accessories (Belts and scarves)

Folding Ironed Clothes
Hers To Store
  • Shorts and skirts

  • Pajamas

  • Tops and  bottoms

  • Light jackets and sweaters

  • Off season items

  • Purses, bags, and foot wear


  • Baskets or Bins:

  • Accessories (belts, scarves, hats, gloves)

  • Underwear, tank tops, and socks

  • Soft wrinkled resistant clothes

Clothing Rack
His To Hang
  • Shirts and tops

  • Jackets and coats

  • Suits

  • Pants

  • Ties

  • Formal wear (if applicable)

  • Athletic wear

  • Belts and scarves

  • ​Special occasion wear

Folded Polo Shirts
His To Store
  • Seasonal items (e.g., heavy coats for winter)

  • Shoes

  • Sportswear

  • Shorts/ Denim/ Pants


Basket or Bins:

  • Sentimental items

  • Underwear

  • Tank tops

  • Socks

  • Accessories (belts, hats)

*Closet categories often differ based on personal style preferences.

Step III: Create Zones


Create Zones

Arranging the most commonly used items within easy reach, typically between eye and waist levels, enhances accessibility and convenience. For instance, frequently worn tops and accessories are best positioned at eye level, while items like underwear, socks, activewear, light jackets, and pajamas can be conveniently stored at waist level. And let's not forget about those lower shelves—they're ideal for housing your collection of pants and seasonal attire

Plan Your Storage

Reserve the top shelves for your beloved luggage and handbags, keeping them neatly tucked away yet readily available for your next adventure or outing. When it comes to heavier items, such as shoes or bulky sweaters, the bottom shelves offer stability and support, ensuring everything stays in place without overwhelming the space.

Other Zones

Accommodate additional items:

  1. Seasonal Sportswear: Dedicate a section for seasonal sportswear, such as summer swimsuits and winter snow gear. This ensures easy access when the time comes to hit the beach or hit the slopes.

  2. Bedding Essentials: Allocate space for bed sheets, pillowcases, and mattress protectors. Keeping them together makes changing bedding a breeze and ensures a restful night's sleep.

  3. Bathroom Necessities: Create a designated area for towels and light blankets, making it convenient to grab what you need before or after a shower or for cozying up on chilly nights.

Organize +

The 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, applies to many aspects of life, including organizing your closet. In this context, it suggests that roughly 80% of the time, you wear only about 20% of your clothing.

  1. Identify the 20% of your wardrobe that you wear most often. These are your go-to pieces that you reach for time and time again.

  2. Organize these frequently worn items in the most accessible areas of your closet, such as at eye level or within easy reach.

  3. Consider decluttering or storing away the remaining 80% of your clothing that you wear less frequently. This could involve donating, selling, or storing items that are seasonal, special occasions, or simply not in regular rotation.

A genuine project done by a professional organizer

A professional organizer helps clients declutter, organize, and optimize their closets. Here is an overview of a project completed and permitted to be shared here:


"After 21 hours over 3 sessions, I am finally done with this closet update."


- by Mackee A Sykes, Member of "Professional Organizers Think Tank" on Facebook


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