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House Plan Review

Plan and Preperation

Whether your goal to start organizing your space is to:


  •  Reduce clutter and create a more streamlined and tidy environment,

  •  Decrease stress levels, foster a sense of calm and order, and promote mental well-being,

  •  Facilitate daily routines and enhance productivity by ensuring easy access to what you and your family members need,

  •  Upgrade your lifestyle and elevate the visual appeal of your living environment,

  •  Make room for more space and efficient use of your available area,

  •  Save money by rediscovering items you already own and minimizing unnecessary purchases,

  •  Prepare for life changes such as moving or welcoming a new family member, and

  •  Boost self-esteem and confidence through the accomplishment of organizing tasks.


Organizing your space can positively impact various aspects of your life, leading to a more harmonious, functional, and fulfilling living environment.

-Auntie Kat, updated on Mar 28, 2024


You will find in this article:

#Top 3 Benefits

#Mental Preparation

#Characteristics & Attitudes

#The Basic System



Create an Organizing System That Makes Sense to You

Personalizing your organizing system to suit your preferences and lifestyle is crucial for long-term success.


By creating a system that makes sense to you, you ensure it's sustainable and easy to maintain over time.


Tailoring organization solutions to your needs and habits maximizes efficiency and ensures you feel comfortable and confident in your organized space.


Make Your Life Easier and Enjoy Your Ideal Life

Organizing your home can streamline your daily routines and tasks, making life easier and more enjoyable.


When everything has its place and is easily accessible, you save time and effort searching for items and completing chores.


This frees up more time for activities you enjoy and allows you to focus on what truly matters to you, whether it's spending time with loved ones, pursuing hobbies, or engaging in self-care.


Reduce Stress

Clutter and disorganization can contribute significantly to feelings of stress and overwhelm.


Organizing your home creates a sense of order and control over your environment, which can help reduce stress levels.


A tidy and organized space promotes relaxation and a greater sense of well-being, making it easier to unwind and recharge after a busy day.

Fox Notebook and Pens
Fox Notebook and Pens
Now you might ask: Can I do this?

Anyone can become an organizer with the right mindset, skills, and dedication. While some people may naturally possess certain traits that lend themselves to organizing:


1. Find enjoyment in maintaining order.
2. Experience a sense of tranquility in simplified environments.
3. Consider yourself composed and collected.
4. Possess self-motivation and discipline.
5. Continuously seek more efficient methods for tasks.
6. Maintain a tidy and systematic home.
7. Prefer a sense of control over their surroundings.
8. Demonstrate reliability and dedication to fulfilling obligations.
9. Maintain a personal schedule to manage activities.
10. Display adeptness at problem-solving and innovation.
11. Appreciate structure, including adherence to rules, systems, and procedures.
12. Make intentional decisions in various aspects of life.


While not everyone may possess these qualities and skills initially, you can be cultivated and honed through practice, education, and real-world experience.


Whether you're interested in organizing as a profession or simply improving your organizing skills.


There are plenty of resources available: including books, courses, workshops, and professional organizations, to support your journey.


-By AuntieKat, updated on Mar 04, 2024

The Basic System

Most organization methods follow 10 basic steps:


“[Organizing is] not a ‘one-size fits all’ solution. The important thing is that the system works for the client and that a client likes the system, and can maintain it. You have to take into account the way…each individual works.”

— Barry Izsak, Certified Professional Organizer® and founder of ARRANGING IT ALL™ 



Step 1: Evaluating the Situation or Issue


When tackling any organizational challenge, it's important to start by gaining an overview. Begin with a broad perspective to understand the current situation and evaluate its level of organization.

Step 2: Setting a Desired Outcome


Before organizing an area, envision the ideal result as you imagine it today. Visualizing the best possible scenario provides a starting point to identify the necessary steps to reach your ultimate goal.

Step 3: Recognizing What Works


Identify the existing system and what's functioning effectively. Consider the saying "If it's not broken, don't fix it." Examine what's working and understand why it's successful.

Step 4: Identifying What Isn't Working


As you observe what works, you'll also notice less effective areas. These may range from minor issues to significant obstacles that waste time and energy. Identify these challenges for improvement.

Step 5: Creating a Plan


Organizing requires careful planning. Consider the knowledge or skills needed for the task at hand. Determine if additional learning is necessary, such as familiarizing yourself with new technology like a tablet or smartphone, before proceeding.


Step 6: Mapping Out the Action Steps


Determine how to transition from the problem to the solution. Identify the necessary steps, where to commence, and the complexity involved. Consider the tools required and any prerequisites before initiating. Create a detailed outline of the steps needed to achieve the desired organizational outcome.


Step 7: Executing the Plan


This stage involves putting the plan into action. Roll up your sleeves and commence the necessary tasks to establish order. Follow the steps outlined in your plan or implementation procedures, taking action progressively and acknowledging small achievements along the way toward the larger organizational objective.


Step 8: Adjusting the Plan


Throughout the implementation of the organizational plan, you may encounter aspects that require adjustment or refinement. Flexibility is key; don't hesitate to tweak or correct elements as needed to optimize efficiency and effectiveness.


Step 9: Evaluating the Results


Assessment is crucial for testing the organizational system, gathering feedback, and understanding its functionality. This phase allows you to gauge your satisfaction with the new system, identify any issues, and strive for competent, workable outcomes. Expect a learning process rather than perfection.


Step 10: Enhancing and Perfecting


Improving a new system may take time and iteration. It must undergo testing under typical conditions to determine its effectiveness. Allocate time for the system to be in place, evaluate its performance, and refine it as necessary until it aligns with your expectations.



Preparation Before Roll Up Your Sleeve

Before organizing your home, it's essential to undertake some preparation to ensure the process goes smoothly. Here's what you can do to prepare:

Preparation and Planning is key to success

Set Clear Goals

Determine what you want to achieve through organizing your home. Whether it's decluttering, maximizing space, or creating a more functional layout, having clear goals will guide your efforts.

Allocate Sufficient Time

Organizing your home can be time-consuming, depending on the size and current state of your space. Set aside dedicated blocks of time to work on the project without interruptions.

Gather Supplies

Collect all the necessary supplies you'll need for organizing, such as storage bins, baskets, labels, trash bags, cleaning supplies, and any tools required for assembly or repairs.

Choose a Starting Point

Decide which area you want to organize first. It could be a room, a closet, a drawer, or even just a countertop.

"If You Chase Two Rabbits......

......You Will Not Catch Either One."

-Russian Proverb

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