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Organizing Living Room and Family Room

"Being in your Home wasn't just a daily habit; it was supposed to be a pleasure and a hobby."


The living room is often used for entertaining guests, hosting social gatherings, or relaxing in a more formal setting.


In terms of design, living rooms may feature elegant furniture, stylish decor, and aesthetic focal points such as a fireplace or large windows.


The family room is a relaxed and comfortable space where family members can gather to watch TV, play games, or engage in other leisure activities.


This space is often more kid-friendly and may include storage for toys, books, or other family-related items.


You will find in this article:

#Preparation Before Decluttering

#Step-by-Steps Declutter

#Maximize Space



Open Livingroom


Before diving into the project, gather boxes, bags, or bins to help sort items into categories such as Keep, Donate, Discard, and Relocate.

Related Article:#Declutter Step By Step

Step I: Declutter and Clean


First, locate or designate a tidy area, which could be a space on the floor or the coffee table.


Clean the spot by sweeping, mopping, or wiping it down.


***When dealing with toys, grab a bin or box specifically designated for storing all the toys together.


Then, systematically gather all visible items from the entire living room or family room for decluttering.


After gathering everything from the furniture and shelves, proceed to wipe down or dust off the surfaces to clean them thoroughly.


Assess each item in your living room and decide whether it serves a purpose or brings you joy. If not, consider purging it from your space.


Discard items that are no longer usable or in poor condition. Dispose of recyclable items responsibly. 


Remove any items that don't belong in the living room. Return misplaced items to their proper locations in other parts of the house.


Consider donating gently used items that are in good condition but no longer serve a purpose in your living room. 



Step II: Maximize the space











Efficiently arrange furniture to facilitate traffic flow and conversation.


Utilize storage solutions such as shelves, cabinets, and storage ottomans to minimize clutter and keep items organized.


Make use of vertical space by installing shelves or hanging storage units.


Incorporate multifunctional furniture pieces that serve dual purposes, such as a coffee table with built-in storage or a sofa bed for guests.


Ensure that lighting is strategically positioned to effectively illuminate the space and enhance the ambiance.


***Consider implementing a storage system for kids' toys that not only keeps the space tidy but also fosters organizational skills and habits

Step III: Maintain

Regular Cleaning: Vacuuming, dusting, and wiping down surfaces to keep the living room clean.


Clutter Control: Continuously evaluating items in the living room and removing any unnecessary or unused items to prevent clutter from building up.


Storage Management: Utilizing storage solutions effectively to keep items organized and easily accessible.


Regularly decluttering storage spaces to maintain order.


Daily Tidying: Spending a few minutes each day tidying up the living room, such as fluffing pillows, folding blankets, and putting away items that are out of place.

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